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Through with in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+9Posted:2017-11-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: go through withbe through withthrough and throughthroughgo throughget throughall throughsee-throughMeaning: adj. 1. having finished or arrived at completion 2. having no further concern with. 
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61. After a gap, Gustavsson came through with Michael Wells and Blanc.
62. The Empire is always shot through with a certain amount of politics and with different men pulling this way and that.
63. He beat her up and told her he would have her deported if she didn't go through with the pregnancy.
64. That depended, of course, on whether he decided to go through with it or not.
65. Joyce's tale, shot through with references to singers and composers, also features traditional songs.
66. A kinder, gentler place shot sweetly through with liberal values?
67. Statement is shot through with feeling in the long, passionately detailed account of the mutiny.
68. In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.
69. The female self, under male domination, is riddled through and through with false or conditioned desires.
70. Unfortunately the timber industry is shot through with economic inefficiency.
71. Portsmouth, needing only a draw, made certain of going through with a second just before the interval.
72. Takat had given him strict instructions to exercise the beasts every day and to follow through with the routine.
73. Yet that concept of secular potential was shot through with particular assumptions.
74. They are quite rightly upset and offended as they have usually made their own decisions and are going through with them.
75. I leapt out of the car into a phone box, and rang through with an apology.
76. That meant only one thing: he had to go through with it.
77. So you have to make eight copies and then go through with a highlighter, one on each one.
78. An impressive display from Magnum player Muir saw him cruise through with a 7-2, 7-1, 7-1 win.
79. A useful checklist to run through includes questions like: Is there some one I can trust to talk things through with?
80. The body is alone and fearful when one awakens at three in the morning, sheets drenched through with night sweats.
81. His observations on the burgeoning jazz scene are quite laughable, and typically shot through with self-deception.
82. All the stories were shot through with Hurley's dry, gentle humor.
83. These latter two actions increase the probability that a client will carry through with the contract.
84. Fergie's title has been casually lined through with a ballpoint pen.
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. Cosmologists have supposed that the universe might go into reverse and run through with all its physical laws in reverse order.
86. He follows through with his right, wasting no time on punches, just grabbing for the gun.
87. If there is no one to talk it through with, then there is the real risk of hopeless adventure.
88. I opened it and behind it was a wall of dirt shot through with the deep roots of trees.
89. In one bony hand he clutched an oak club driven through with rusty nails.
90. Violence is endemic and Thomson fashions a stylish off-beat thriller which occasionally meanders but is shot through with genuine menace.
More similar words: go through withbe through withthrough and throughthroughgo throughget throughall throughsee-throughsee throughthrough tothroughoutthroughputfall throughcome throughrun-throughsit throughcut throughrun throughput throughlook throughwalkthroughread throughlive throughpush throughsail throughpeep throughrush throughskim throughdrop throughwalk through
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